Friday, September 9, 2011

Ottawa sets up tip line to combate Citizen Fraud

To the consternation of the opposition parties, the government has set up a snitch line to help catch those who have obtained citizenship fraudulently.

On September 8, 2011, the government of Canada announced that a tip line has been set up to combat citizenship fraud. Jason Kenney, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, said, "Canadian citizenship is not for sale. I encourage anyone who has information regarding citizenship fraud to call our tip line. My department will ensure that all tips are investigated and that appropriate action is taken."

Crackdown on Citizenship Fraud Began Last July

Towards the end of July, it was reported that the government of Canada was in the process of revoking the citizenship of 1800 people. The government suspects these "Canadians" obtained their Canadian citizenship by fraudulent means.

Prior to July, citizenship fraud had never been a priority in Canada. As journalist David Akin pointed out, only 67 people have been stripped of their citizenship since Canada became a country on July 1, 1867. The process for taking away the rights of a citizen of Canada is complex that the initial decision must be made by the federal cabinet.

Read more at Suite101: Ottawa Sets Up Tip Line to Combat Citizenship Fraud |